Mini bonsai is not only small bonsai, it is "really small"!
What is Mini bonsai?
A mini bonsai means a small tree with a small pot.
"How small?" you will ask. A mini bonsai may
be smaller than your hands!
What are the main ideas of mini bonsai?
1. Special: The tree must be small and have cool stem(s).
2. Old: "People respect old trees." (by my freind) 3. Cunning: Then we need a cunning pot.
What is Mini bonsai?
A mini bonsai means a small tree with a small pot.
"How small?" you will ask. A mini bonsai may
be smaller than your hands!
What are the main ideas of mini bonsai?
1. Special: The tree must be small and have cool stem(s).
2. Old: "People respect old trees." (by my freind) 3. Cunning: Then we need a cunning pot.