Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Be in a small pot-Mini bonsai

Mini bonsai is not only small bonsai, it is "really small"!
What is Mini bonsai?
A mini bonsai means a small tree with a small pot.
"How small?" you will ask. A mini bonsai may
be smaller than your hands!
What are the main ideas of mini bonsai?
1. Special: The tree must be small and have cool stem(s).
2. Old: "People respect old trees." (by my freind) 3. Cunning: Then we need a cunning pot.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Talking About Bonsai

I want to talk deeper about bonsai.
Bonsai is a kind of art,
like drawing. However,
bonsai has life.
A good bonsai will show
the advantage of the tree
perfectly. Like we usually
show the thick roots of
banyan bonsai.
Follow the nature. You may
ask "Do we always follow the
nature?" No, we will keep the
advantage of the tree but get
out the disadvantage of the tree.
Main Ideas of Making Bonsai
To let the tree grow bigger or
grow beautiful branches.
Simple meaning is "cutting".

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My favorite kind of tree is bougainvillea. My granfather gave me this bougainvillea. Let me introduce to you.
A man called Bougainville which found out bougainvillea in South America,
and used his name.

From South America. They are vines and shrubs. They have thrones. Their Flore scenes
are very long. They usually bloom in summer. Their other name is paper flower.
They seldom have seeds. Their flowers are small and white, but their flower buds are big and beautiful!
They mean passion.